A little strong for yogurt? That's a little bold for you to insinuate considering you haven't tried it (okay I'm assuming that part). I'm guessing Elizabeth Barret Browning, the author of that sonnet, didn't have access to Greek Yogurt... not because she lived in England in 1800, before whole foods, and that this yogurt is of middle eastern origin... but because she never wrote sweet sweet poetry about this stuff. Oh that's right... it's that good.
Truthfully one of the reasons I enjoy this food (like most foods) is for the texture. It sort of reminds me of thick sour cream.... something i semi gave up when i decided not to inch my way to cardiac arrest, one taco at a time. But anyway, a treat was much needed after I decided to only pick at the lunch I received via work, which sounded amazing on the menu and came back as a big pile of unappetizing disappointment.
The other night I made my favorite Vegan Dish. I almost always halve ingredients because there is just one of me and eating the same leftovers for a week usually bores my taste buds to tears. yes tears. However this is probably the third time I've made this in the last few months and have enjoyed every Delicious full recipe helping. ummm ummm ummm.
Quinoa Vegetable Paella (<-- linked up to the fat free vegan, a long time favorite of mine)
- onion
- garlic
- quinoa
- (the recipe calls for saffron, which according to wikipedia and my mother is the worlds most expensive spice. needless to say this was not included in my version)
- paprika
- cumin
- cayenne
- can diced tomatoes
- bell pepper
- can kidney beans
- vegetable broth
- zucchini
In other news, I have a monster quiz tonight for which I feel woefully unprepared. I hate feeling unprepared, and woeful.
Off to work for the afternoon and sneak in some studying.... and of course emailing emily about how we're going to set aside time to practice Aud Lang Syne for this Year's New Year's Eve, so we can dazzle loved ones, friends, strangers, and those that can get us in front of hasselhoff for a little America's Got Talent. See how busy I am?
*previously this post included just a hyperlink to the real recipe page, and now includes a hyperlink AND the name of blog of origin. I suppose i don't know the actual proper etiquette, considering that i am a bit of a blog amateur... so if anyone has any pointers on what is proper i would be happy to get the info.