Last night I made a stuffed acorn squash. I had it with some baked tofu which was sort of a disaster. I will be trying to revive that in some way in the near future, not to worry. My attempt at cutting the squash probably could've been set to carnival music... or been a movie montage where i'm trying to kill the squash with the biggesst knife I own. I had to microwave it for a couple of minutes to even get it soft enough to cut. SHEESH. then i baked it at 350 for 30 minutes to soften up. Then I filled it with brown rice cooked with vegetable broth, and some sauteed garlic. I mixed the cooked rice with some raisins, pumkin seeds, and mixed some of the squash in with it too. Flippin good.
Tonight I'm getting an early Christmas present.... Jacks Mannequin tickets! They are playing just a few blocks from my house... how perfect is that? I'm going to hum JM songs all day in my i'm-healthy-class-is-out-concert-tonight-woohoo euphoria.
TGIW friends :)