The above picture is the HEAVEN i experienced once I was home from class: huge sweatpants, stripey slippers, a little light reading, gorgonzola pizza, an AWESOME $1 place mat from walmart which is quickly helping me learn the order of the presidents (I'm so challenging my dad the next time I am home, a previous nerdy record holder in this category), and a lovely birthday painted wineglass from my birthday twin/aunt/godmother/the family's next bride!
The pizza was from an instant pizza mix (no wheat... boo) with sliced portabella mushrooms, red onions, roasted red peppers and crumbled gorgonzola pieces. I didn't use a rolling pin, which showed.... considering the shape of the pizza was inadvertently resembling the continental United States. (i sampled Maine while it was still warm, and it was delicious). I forgot how blah I am about pizzas without any sauce. Note to self for next time. However.... look how steady my hands were to take the close up picture. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.