Brother was back in Missouri for work, so he got to swing by. Like every middle child, I couldn't have the entire family together at an event having fun without me, so despite not knowing game rules, or game theory (math joke, high five nerds!), I brought it.
SO...... It turns out I'm not half bad. By that I mean that I sat down and was dealt two winning hands, despite not even knowing how many cards I was supposed to have (two seemed like I was being slighted). There were bidding wars going on at the table for people who thought they had some pretty sweet cards. Turns out I am a hustler. I feel like I should write a rap song about it.
Also a 22 year old guy asked if I was in college there. One of my 2011 resolutions was to wear sunscreen more often. Coincidence?
Who want to play poker with me now?