Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Putting the 'issues' in tissues

I hope everyone had a great send-off weekend for their white pants/shoes/shorts/bags/etc. I know that Stacy and Clinton say you can wear them off season (and there IS such a thing as winter whites) but I judge those who sport them after this weekend... and you do too.. don't lie. So where was I, oh yes. Well my reward for laboring all year long was apparently to have to cancel or cough/sneeze/phlegm my way through things all weekend looking like this:
(bow to the queen of filth... BOOO BOOO BOOO)

And feeling like this.....

And having enough of these..... To make one of these....

So I'm just trying to lay on the couch and watch daytime TV (can we talk about what B.S. it is that everything's a rerun on labor day? psssssssssssssh)
and try to find my happy place...

Just kidding, it's probably more like this...

Okay.. my eats have mostly consisted of triscuits, oranges and gatorade so you guys probably aren't' so interested in that. Here's hoping I get a sense of smell/taste back soon so I can stand to be in the kitchen. eh?
Hope everyone had a BOSSY labor day weekend!