For Desert I brought the makings for SMORES. YUM YUM! I was so excited. This may be the first time I've tried to eat this combo and not smelled like firewood and needing a shower and indoor plumbing. Best of all worlds, I say. Below is the pan, it had no idea what was coming...
While Emily and I popped the pan into the oven to Broil, we chatted, laughed, kept drinking and Generally forgot about it. Until we began to smell burnt sugar, which Emily said 'On the food network they say you know it's done when you can smell it' Except that it was completely burned. We laughed forever about how we had made the marshmallows totally unrecognizable and even took an iphone picture and uploaded in to Facebook to share our kitchen disaster with the world........
Until 8 people online immediately commented to ask why we had baked a Nazi pie. AHHHHHHH Do you see it? Holy Swastika! as soon as the first random person pointed it out, we exchanged 'no way' glances, and then looked at the picture again and were HORRIFIED (and laughing until we cried the utter ridiculousness of it) to be spreading anti-semetic images on the internet and through food.... on accident. We got bombarded with comments until we took it down, approximately 3 minutes after it was up. Further putting our foot in mouths is when we tried to making joking references to the oven being a nazi oven... until, oh yeah right, that's worse.
So we regrouped (still laughing a little, although again, totally offending everyone). And committed to not burn the desert. Round 2 of oven smores:
I hope I don't need to explain that Emily and I are not hateful, intolerant people. We love Jews, we're crazy liberal... But I hurt today from laughing so hard last night... It was an accident!! Next time Emily and I are going to shoot for having a miraculous impression of the Jesus or the Virgin Mary in toast, to redeem ourselves and send some better Kitchen Karma our way. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh